So I would like to share with you my love of making Annie's.... Raggedy Annie's that is. As a child my aunt Alice gave me a pair which are about 4 ft tall! I still have them to this day. So it was in 2006 I purchased my first e-pattern online of an Annie. I followed instructions and soon I had my very first Annie ever made! I paid it back and gave it to my AUNT that made my 1st Raggedy Ann & Andy! She was so pleased and happy to see I had taken up sewing and making Annie's just as she did back then, and she still makes them now too! I get several patterns from two women who sell them online 1.) Bowls n Annie's, 2.) Raggedy Ole' Annie's...they are my favorites and their patterns are so easy and if you asked me the Cutest' Annie's to be found! So I've been quite addicted to sewing my Annie's and making them for friends & Family; even sold a few. Being a stay at home mom it helps me to Do something and feel its my own and I take Great Pride in my work and style. Most Annie's I make I custom "design" their theme/outfits for example the one here is a Bumble Bee themed Annie I made for a Wonderful Friend of mines daughter. She was in dance and one of her costumes was a Bumble Bee! I will tell you that I come from a long line of Women that Sew and I remember taking Home Eco in high school and I hated the "pattern part"... I could sew a button and sew up a whole but make something by pattern I had no patience. So I guess you can say Motherhood is...teaching me patience.
Hi patricia, Thanks so much for looking around, I really love your cloth doll I to love making cloth dolls I just don't get enough time to do them with a shop to run a website to look after and 3 children I never seem to have enough time. I love blogging I alway have time to blog and look at other blog sites. Have a wonderful weekend Lisa
Thanks for coming by.
I will be sharing lots of my ww
I love your doll!
What a cute doll, and a cute family as well!
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